Anne Marie Bonnar
There are three businesses employing up to 20 people operating under Anne Marie’s leadership with Donegal Gas starting in 1990 closely followed by Joe Bonnar Metal Craft and the latest addition to the fold, Letterkenny Craft & Design Studio.
Joe Bonnar Metal Craft, lead by Anne Marie’s husband Paul Hynd, designs and fabricates metalwork for hotels, bars, restaurants, private homes and many public sector buildings and exports worldwide.
The Award winning Donegal Gas Company is managed by their colleague Shaun Sweeney and distributes BOC gas, as well as ESAB welding equipment and components.
In 2012 the Letterkenny Craft & Design studio was officially opened and the response was excellent with the Moonshine Coffee Shop quickly following in March of 2013.
Anne Marie and her team operates these three distinct “made of steel” businesses all working together with energy, enthusiasm and expertise.
Alfie Greene
Alfie Greene has been at the helm of the Greene’s Shoes chain for almost five decades. He is currently the managing director of six stores through the west of Ireland, two of which are located in Letterkenny.
Embracing change through technology and the changing panorama of the retail industry, Alfie always strives for growth of the brand and ensuring customers come first.
Alfie has invested in the future of his business by several means in recent years, including online sales and pushing the social media end of marketing.
These recent investments are to be continued along with the ongoing development of new brands such as Greene’s Teens. Alfie is always proactive in the community and the latest is the Greene’s Christmas charity book, which celebrates 50 years in business.
Ciaran Blaney
Hotel proprietor Ciaran Blaney has been running the Silver Tassie Hotel & Spa on the outskirts of Letterkenny for three decades. He has shown huge commitment in the family business, investing in the future and providing local employment.
Ciaran is known as a hands-on employer, while also juggling family life and participating in a lot of community projects and charities.
The Blaney family has invested a lot in the hotel over the years, refurbishing all the bedrooms, adding a gym to the hotel, and expanding the hotel’s garden and in particular the fantastic facilities available to wedding parties, not to mention the Seascape Spa.
Ciaran is very passionate about his community and the local tourism industry and shows this through the continued hard work he and his staff put into the business.
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