Excellence in Marketing Award


Sponsored by Champions Travel

Vote for your favourite nominee by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and following the instructions. PLEASE NOTE: votes do not determine the final winners but help create awareness of the nominee’s shortlisting.


“Champions Travel are delighted to sponsor the Excellence in Marketing Award. We feel that good marketing is about connecting with customers through effective communication channels, showing how a particular business can meet the desires and add value to their customer’s lives. Champions Travel place a great deal of importance on putting the customer first by creating first class packages that exceed all expectations.”

Watson Hire

With one of the largest ranges of tools, hardware and hire equipment available in Donegal, Watson Hire is the go-to place for DIY enthusiasts and professionals.

In the past year the business has greatly increased online sales through social media campaigns and Google Ad words. However, Watson Hire really stands out for its quirky live videos with John himself highlighting products and services in store.

With average viewing figures of 30,000, the increase of in-store footfall has resulted in a 200% sales growth year on year. He’s not quite a movie star yet but this new marketing strategy is certainly paying off.

Rushe Fitness

Rushe Fitness has created a fitness community, both in its physical gym and through its online support group.

Using social media marketing Rushe Fitness offers regular, free content through blogs, articles and social media posts to over 24,000 followers enabling Emmett to grow the gym by 25% each year. Through clear and specific targeting, the online fitness coaching has also trained 150 people over the last 2 years.

Rushe Fitness, as a young business, has fully embraced social media marketing resulting in success not only in Donegal but also as a major player in the online fitness industry, nationally and internationally.

Atlantic Travel

Atlantic Travel is a multi-award-winning travel agency. Consistently striving to deliver exceptional expertise and unrivalled value to clients, they promise to help customers achieve the perfect getaway.

In business for 24 years, the company have used targeted social media and print advertising to increase brand awareness and turnover. In addition, the team organised a hugely successful Holiday and Cruise Show locally which has helped to position Atlantic Travel at the top of their game.

Using co funded and carefully targeted campaigns Atlantic Travel is seeing excellent growth and recognition allowing them to fulfil the ambition of becoming one of the largest independent travel agencies in Ulster.

HOW TO VOTE: Select relevant tick box below and click vote. By supporting your favourite nominee you are creating additional awareness of their nomination and highlighting their success.

PLEASE NOTE: One vote per IP address.

CLOSING DATE: Public view for the online vote closes at 10am, Monday 22nd October 2018 and the final deadline is 10am, Wednesday 24th October

PLEASE NOTE: votes do not determine the final winners but help create awareness of the nominee’s shortlisting.