Niall Mulrine
Some parental tips to reduce children’s device time
9 years ago
Or am I too old school to be complaining about the use of technology in my children’s lives?
Female Facebook users the target of bogus accounts
March 4, 2016
2016 Safer Internet Day is celebrating 13 years
February 17, 2016
Technology: Tips to prevent being bullied online
August 17, 2015
Technology: Are you addicted to the internet?
August 17, 2015
Technology: Experts in technology – are they really?
August 17, 2015
Technology: Taking smart phone photos has its dangers
August 17, 2015
Technology: How much use does our mobile phone get?
June 5, 2015
Technology: Are we hooked on our mobile phones?
May 28, 2015
Technology: Is your privacy important?
May 8, 2015
Technology: Sexting is causing increased sexual activity?
April 24, 2015
Technology: R U surrounded by 2many txt msgs?
April 17, 2015
Technology: Stay away from The Snappening
April 10, 2015
Technology: Kids go to jail for cyber-bullying
April 2, 2015