YOU’RE out on the tear on a Saturday night and you had to drive to the pub at the start of the night, but what do you do with your car now when you had a few in you?
Technology: Kids learn habits from parents
AS A parent there is never a dull moment when dealing with children’s outbursts and tantrums no matter what age they are? Sometimes if the parent is in the company of their peers, they will comically respond to a tantrum or outburst by saying “that child is the spit of their father, bad temper” or “that girl just lies on the sofa watching TV all day like her mum”.
Technology: Parents guides to some Mobile Social Media Apps
Ok, how are we going to tackle the amount of Social Media Apps children use out there at the moment? It is difficult for me to mention some in a summary, but for most parents, it may be hard to count more that 5 or 6 that are popular. Children’s tastes change so quick that it means, by the time we hear of one App, the children say “Mom that is so yesterday’s news!”
Technology: How much use does our mobile phone get?
WE HAVE our mobile phones now in our possession most of the times, we often forget how much we rely on them until we don’t have it! Some people actually panic that they are uncontactable and this phobia is called Nomophobia.
Technology: Are we hooked on our mobile phones?
A CONDITION called nomophobia is described as the fear of being without mobile contact. This has happened so fast that it’s not in medical text books yet, but it’s known and discussed between medical professions.
Technology: Is your privacy important?
WHEN we talk about privacy of data, we automatically go into thoughts on online data privacy and social media.
Technology: Sexting is causing increased sexual activity?
SEXTING has become an increased phenomena for teenagers with access to mobile phones, emails and social networking.
Technology: R U surrounded by 2many txt msgs?
PEOPLE are now accustomed to the short hand text messages they open on their phones, emails and websites. But how did all this begin?
Technology: Stay away from The Snappening
THERE is no privacy on the Internet, despite what teens may think.
Technology: Kids go to jail for cyber-bullying
IN THE States, recently a Senator has called for a bill to be put through government that would lead to a child who is accused of any form of cyber-bullying towards employees of their school or their school colleagues will get a 3 month jail sentence or $500 fine.