Donegal roads to be gritted tomorrow morning

Donegal roads are set to be gritted from 6am tomorrow morning.  The following routes will be gritted: • 01: National Primary North • 02: National Primary Central • 04: Inishowen South • 05: Inishowen East • 06: Inishowen West • 07: Milford South • 09: Cill Ulta East • 12: Binswilly • 14: Stranorlar East […]

Council lost out on over €14m of Commercial Rates

DONEGAL County Council lost out on over €14m of Commercial Rates deemed collectable in 2022. The Council collected €28,778,211 in 2022, but the value of collectable commercial rates was reported as €43,095,303 – a difference of €14,317,092. The total value of rates bills issued during 2022 was €37,293,095 which represents an increase of €1,022,908 on the value of the 2021 […]

Working group to put focus on county’s graveyard capacity issues

Less words and more action’ is required to address the ongoing capacity issues in graveyards in Donegal. It has previously been reported that Letterkenny’s two main Christian burial grounds at Conwal and Leck will be at capacity in an estimated eight years, while it is also an issue across the county as many burial grounds are very […]

EVICTION NOTICE: ‘Where will these people go?’

EIGHTY eight eviction notices are set to be served to homes in Donegal today (Saturday) as the eviction ban comes to an end. Recent figures from the Residential Tenancies Board confirm that 88 eviction notices were served in Donegal up to September last year and these notices are due to come into effect when the ban […]

Major progress on Lifford hospital

MAJOR progress has been made on Lifford’s new purpose built hospital. It has emerged that the HSE has been granted funding to carry out a feasibility study of the proposed site and when completed this will allow for a full capital submission to be submitted to the Department. The new Community Nursing Unit would consist […]

The Big Donegal Clean-up is Back for 2023

The launch of the 2023 Big Donegal Clean-Up campaign took place at Fintra Blue Flag Beach last week.  The annual Big Donegal Clean-up is part of Donegal County Council’s commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. It is an opportunity for communities to come together and take a proactive approach to improving the environment that we […]

Dog owners urged to keep pets under control

Dog owners are being urged to keep their pets under control especially during the lambing season when sheep are particularly vulnerable. The warning comes from Donegal County Council who advised owners not to let dogs loose in areas adjoining livestock fields. The Council said, “Many attacks are caused by dogs which escape and attack sheep […]

Cllr Frank McBrearty suspended from Council

INDEPENDENT Cllr Frank McBrearty has been suspended from Council activities for three months.  The meeting, which was held at Lifford County House today, has been adjourned a total of five times. The adjournments followed a recorded vote which saw Councillor Frank McBrearty suspended from all Council activities for three months as Cathaoirleach Cllr Liam Blaney […]

Councillors vote to remove Cllr Frank McBrearty from meeting

DONEGAL county councillors have voted to remove Independent Councillor Frank McBrearty from its monthly meeting.  Councillors have also voted to reduce his pay by 10 per cent. The meeting is taking place this morning in the Lifford County House. Advertisement The meeting was adjourned around 12.30pm this morning by Cathaoirleach Liam Blaney following an interaction […]

‘Record high tide’ blamed for Four Lane Road flooding

A record high tide has been blamed for toppling flood defences along the Four Lane Road into Letterkenny. A section of the busy thoroughfare was under water yesterday morning following several hours of rain and high winds. The Office of Public Works (OPW) has confirmed that Tuesday night’s weather caused the Swilly to rise to its highest level since […]