Donegal priest says they should get Covid-19 payment

A DONEGAL priest has said the Covid-19 pandemic unemployment payment should be made available to priests. In an interview on Friday on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, Fr Éamonn Ó Gallachóir, parish priest in Cill Chartha in southwest Donegal, said that priests should be entitled to the state COVID-19 payment of €350, particularly younger priests who […]

Donegal maths tutor to stream free live lessons

A LETTERKENNY maths tutor is inviting Honours Level Leaving Cert students to join him online for free classes. Dr Conor Purcell is the founder of, a private tuition service. But on Monday Dr Purcell will begin free Facebook Live sessions. “When the schools closed on March 14 I knew that I would have to […]

Latest: 320 confirmed Covid-19 cases in Donegal

  The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been informed that 43 people diagnosed with COVID-19 in Ireland have died. ·        34 deaths located in the east, 4 in the west, 5 in the south of the country Advertisement ·        the people included 22 males and 21 females · […]

Applications invited under the Covid-19 emergency fund

DONEGAL County Council is inviting applications for a programme which provides funding to support community and voluntary groups involved in the delivery of Covid-19 community response efforts. The Covid-19 Emergency Fund will provide immediate and urgently needed funding totaling €2.5 million. This will be available to groups who are participating in the government’s ‘Community Call’ […]