THE fascinating story of a Lifford man who fought and died for Canada in the First World War has been unearthed by an Ontario historian. Frederick Leggatt features as part of Ron Dale’s ‘The Monuments Men’, a series of articles he has been writing for The Lake Report, Niagara-on-the-Lake’s first and most-read independent local newspaper. It is a […]
Fears funding for Lifford Strabane project being squandered
A Donegal Deputy has raised concerns relating to delays in the Riverine Park Project. The cross-border project is a proposed 30-acre park planned for Lifford and Strabane with a pedestrian and cycle bridge over the River Foyle connecting the two towns. It’s been almost two years since the funding was ring-fenced and it must be […]
Fuel deliveries to resume at Applegreen in Lifford
A Lifford filling station that closed suddenly will reopen in the coming days. Applegreen shut down last week much to the surprise of the constant convoy of motorists who used it. Since first opening in 2016 the outlet had been growing steadily and at the time of closure it had almost 30 staff on its books. Advertisement Applegreen […]
Major boost for new Lifford hospital
PLANS for a new hospital in Lifford have taken a significant step forward following talks between the HSE and Donegal County Council. A 3.5 acre space for the facility has been identified as part of a much wider redevelopment of lands along the N14. If granted permission, the hospital will consist of a 25-bed unit, a primary […]
Crisis at An Bord Pleanála putting Riverine Project at ‘serious risk’
TURMOIL within An Bord Pleanála is putting a multi-million euro project linking Lifford with Strabane at “serious risk”. It was anticipated that work on the Donegal element of the €12 million Riverine Project would begin next month. But an internal crisis at Ireland’s national planning body has thrown it into uncertainty. Advertisement A report published this week reveals how […]
New Eithne Coyle 1916 Society to host Lifford rally
THE 1916 societies have organised a rally for freedom, independence and sovereignty in Lifford on December 28 at 2pm. The newly formed Eithne Coyle 1916 Society, Lifford, will host the event. A spokesperson for the Lifford society is calling on everyone in East Donegal and West Tyrone to come out and support the rally which will […]
Cars and Coffee morning drives charity to school
A Strabane school has benefitted from a fundraising ‘drive’ organised by a Lifford businessman. Over £1,300 and more than 200 toys were gathered for Knockavoe School in Strabane through Keith ‘Bear’ Gamble’s ‘Cars and Coffee Morning’. The event, which Keith has been running for four years at Applegreen in Lifford, sees car enthusiasts congregate to marvel at a fleet […]
Lifford store sells €50,000 Euromillions ticket
LOTTO players in the Lifford area are being urged to check their tickets after a local store sold a golden ticket. Old Daly’s was among ten shops across the state to sell Euromillions tickets worth €50,000 each. Three of the other winning tickets were bought in Dublin with players in Kildare, Louth, Cork, Tipperary, Westmeath […]
A century since the hiring fair came to Lifford
A century ago this month saw Lifford hold its first ever hiring fair. After the Ulster Plantation hiring fairs were held in every market town as a means of finding temporary labourers. They were usually held twice a year, in May and November, and often it would be young children hired out to work in order […]
Mica campaigners take fight to Lifford
The people of Donegal are being urged to stand in solidarity with mica affected homeowners today and join a protest at Council offices in Lifford. Lisa Hone, Chair of Mica Action Group, said it is imperative to put pressure on the Council, to make sure affected homeowners’ voices are heard. “We are urging the Council […]