‘Record high tide’ blamed for Four Lane Road flooding

A record high tide has been blamed for toppling flood defences along the Four Lane Road into Letterkenny. A section of the busy thoroughfare was under water yesterday morning following several hours of rain and high winds. The Office of Public Works (OPW) has confirmed that Tuesday night’s weather caused the Swilly to rise to its highest level since […]

EUROPE DIRECT Letterkenny to host event for Ukrainian families

EUROPE DIRECT Letterkenny, based in Central Library, will showcase their range of children’s books available in the Ukrainian language on Thursday, March 23 at 6.30pm. The event will be free and refreshments will be provided. These new books have been catalogued in the Cyrillic alphabet so it will make the books much easier to request […]

Hospital’s emergency department records busiest day

PEOPLE attending Letterkenny University Hospital are being warned that it remains extremely busy today with long wait times at the emergency department. The department saw a record number of attendances yesterday (Monday) with 203 people through the door. A spokesperson for hospital group Saolta said, “The hospital is advising that patients who attend the emergency […]

Donegal Libraries celebrating World Down Syndrome Day

Donegal Libraries are proudly celebrating World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st with a special ‘See Me’ window display in Twin Towns Library featuring Finn Valley native, Aoibhe McConnell. Aoibhe can be seen in the photos using the See & Learn and Numicon resources that are available for free throughout all Donegal libraries. The window […]

Every hour, every day the Samaritans are available

THE Samaritans are looking for listening volunteers to help it continue delivering its vital services. The charity recently issued public pleas for anyone contemplating harming themselves to get in touch. The offers of help came following a number of sudden tragedies across the north west. Advertisement James, who asked that only his first name be used for […]

HSE announces further schedule of Covid clinics

THE HSE is continuing to vaccinate people in Donegal against Covid with a number of clinics taking place this week. Letterkenny vaccination centre, IDA Business Park, Ballyraine, Letterkenny will be open on Wednesday from 10.45am to 1.30pm for children aged six months to four years. From 2pm to 6.45pm vaccinations will be available to the 12 + years age […]

Public consultation for the Burtonport to Letterkenny Greenway Project

DONEGAL County Council with the support of Transport Infrastructure Ireland invite residents of the area, members of the public and other interested parties to participate in the first non-statutory public consultation for the Burtonport to Letterkenny  Greenway Project. The project is currently at Phase 1 (Concept & Feasibility), which includes the identification of a project […]

Gardaí issue appeal for information over man missing from Letterkenny

Gardaí are seeking the public’s assistance in tracing the whereabouts of 23-year-old Victor Furgal who is missing from his home in Letterkenny, Co.Donegal, since Saturday, 18th March 2023. He was last seen there at 10.30pm in the evening. Victor is described as being approximately 6 feet tall, with a medium build, brown hair and dark eyes. […]

Go-ahead for Tobins Letterkenny development

A POPULAR Letterkenny filling station has been given the green light for a major development including a drive thru. Service Station on the Port Road is to be undergo significant development works including the construction of a single storey extension to provide for a diner with a drive thru facility, kitchen and associated facilities. Applicant […]