Fr Ted actor puts himself off the road

Fr Ted actor Gerard McSorley put himself off the road following his prosecution for a speeding offence. He was fined today (Wed) €100 for driving at 69 kilometres in a 60-kilometre per hour zone on the R257 at Cnoc an Stollaire, Bunbeg, last October 20. McSorley, who played Fr Todd Unctuous in the tv series, wasn’t […]


BOI withdraw from four Donegal branches

  Bank of Ireland have made the decision to withdraw their services from four Donegal branches. Sinn Fein Finance spokesperson Deputy Pearse Doherty has said it is ‘another blow for rural communities. Mr Doherty has criticised the decision confirmed to him today by Bank of Ireland that it is to remove over-the-counter cash services from four […]

Two nights of Cabaret Craiceailte this weekend

BEIDH dhá oíche Chraiceáilte Tigh Hiudaí i nGaoth Dobhair , Dé hAoine, agus Dé Sathairn seo, mar chuid den Chabaret Craiceáilte, ag a mbeidh na ceoltóirí Donal Mc Cague (Ceoltoir óg na bliana 2013 ag Gradaim Ceoil Tg4) agus a dheartháir Micheal Mc Cague as an Bhoth, Contae Mhuineachán, Cíarán Ó Maonaigh (fear a bhfuil an ghradam céanna buaite aige) agus Caitlín Nic Gabhann, an ghrúpa Mo Hata Mo Gheansaí agus go leor eile ag seinm.