DONEGAL County Council has announced that the Foyle Ferry Service from Greencastle to Magilligan will not operate over the Easter period. In a statement this morning the local authority said: “In light of the COVID – 19 situation and the restrictions already in place, Donegal County Council has agreed with the operators of the Foyle […]
ChefAid Killygordon is about to go live
A third ChefAid has sprung up in Donegal, this time in Killygordon. It follows on from the huge success of the initial Donegal Town operation and a second which began dispatching free meals in Letterkenny on Friday. ChefAid Killygordon is a non-profit movement with the aim of providing a free hot meal and a daily […]
Average house price up by five per-cent in Donegal
The price of the average three-bed semi in Donegal rose by 5.3 per-cent to €100,000 in the past year. That is according to a national survey carried out by Real Estate Alliance. Prices in the county remained static in the first three months of 2020, with properties taking six weeks to sell, the REA Average […]
Tributes paid following death of Frank Larkin
TRIBUTES are being paid this evening following the death of Letterkenny man Frank Larkin. Well known for his work as a disability rights campaigner, Mr Larkin passed away today after falling ill earlier this week. He was 48. Frank Larkin lived with the condition spina bifida but never let it get in the way of […]
Honeypot opens its doors as part of ChefAid initiative
CHEFS in Letterkenny have cooked up a plan to help those affected by the coronavirus. From today the Honeypot Coffee Shop has opened its kitchen so that free hot meals can be prepared and delivered to the elderly, vulnerable and to those in self isolation. The move is an extension of the ‘ChefAid’ initiative launched […]
World adventure turns into nightmare for four friends
“We’ve spent an awful lot of money and we don’t know if we’ll get any of it back but we’re just so glad to be home safe and sound,”
Tributes flow following death of Nena Models boss
DONEGAL businessman Michael Sharma has been remembered as a “gentleman” and a “great teacher” following his death. Mr Sharma, who was Managing Director of the Castlefinn-based clothing firm Nena Models, passed away peacefully in Spain on Tuesday. He was aged 90. In its heyday Nena Models provide fashionwear to top high street brands including Dunne’s […]
Waiting for the lights to go down in Massachusetts
The feeling around here is very odd and has not been felt since the aftermath of September 11th. Life has changed drastically in the United States.
The late Hugh Conaghan: ‘A gentleman to his very core’
“Dad continued to take a close interest in politics and we had more than one discussion about the most recent general election,”
Council announce closure of popular beach
DONEGAL County Council has warned that physical distance protocols must be followed at beaches, parks and walking trails otherwise they will have to close. The issue of large crowds congregating in public places was well documented over the weekend and in their latest Covid-19 statement the local authority said the voluntary compliance of the general […]