HSE blamed for car park hike at hospitals

HERE have been calls for Letterkenny General Hospital and Euro Car Parks to abandon price increases. Car parking for up to four hours will now be charged at €3 (previously €2.50) whilst the 24 hour charge will be €6 compared to €5.

Hope for unemployed youth

LABOUR Senator Jimmy Harte this week welcomed the EU Youth Guarantee which he hopes will assist some of Donegal’s 3,944 under 25 year-olds who are currently looking for work.

Donegal couple support ‘Happy New Ear’ campaign for daughter Taylor Beth (2)

IF YOU had the ability to treat blindness, would you only cure one eye? This is the comparison campaigners for the State to provide funding for two implants to deaf or partially deaf children and adults in Ireland are making. Alison and John McFadden, Letterkenny, are members of the Happy New Ear campaign which is petitioning for signatures to present to Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly TD, asking him to provide funding for bilateral Cochlear implants for deaf children in Ireland.