Sharp rise in psychiatric admissions

BY C.J.MCGINLEY ADMISSIONS to psychiatric care in Donegal have seen a sharp increase of almost twenty per cent. Figures just released following a report from the Activities of Irish Psychiatric Units and Hosptials show there were 601 admissions in Donegal. Depression, schizoprenia and alcohol abuse were the three highest reasons for admissions for treatment. Over […]

Villagers announce Guildhall concert

VILLAGERS fronted by Conor O’ Brien shall take to the stage in the newly refurbished and beautiful interior and surroundings of the Guildhall in Derry next month. The gig, which marks the band’s first gig proper in the North West city will take place in the main hall and the date to pencil in your diary is Friday, December 13.

Massey world record attempt

VINTAGE tractor enthusiasts are aiming to break a world record in Donegal next year. The Ferguson World Record Challenge is to take place in Burt on September 20-21.