Donegal has two ‘People of the Year’

FOR the first time in its history, The Donegal Association, has announced joint winners of the prestigious Donegal Person of the Year. Raphoe native and multi millionaire businessman, Hugh Green, who has one of the largest construction companies in New Zealand and Portnablagh Anne Marie Ward, a former World Open Water Swimming Woman of the Year are the winners of the award.

Work on €55m Letterkenny project ‘flying’

THE new Letterkenny Wastewater Treatment Plant is ahead of schedule and due to be completed and operational by the end of this year, it was confirmed this week.
Senior Engineer Mr Fitz Howard told a meeting of the Letterkenny Electoral Area committee that progress on the €55 million project is “flying” and suggested that members visit the site to see the great work being done there.
Construction commenced on the site at Magheranan on May 3rd, last year. And to date, the main reinforced concrete treatment units and pumping stations are all substantially complete.