Ballybofey man fits out pubs around the world

A BALLYBOFEY man who diversified from the contracting business, to designing and fitting out Irish pubs, hotels and restaurants across the globe, has been hugely successful. John Heverin returned from Chennai in India last week where the company he owns with Eamonn Cullen – Ól Irish Pubs Ltd – is fitting out a 6,000 sq […]

Greyhounds stolen from Letterkenny family

BY C.J.McGINLEY A LETTERKENNY family are in shock after three prize greyhounds were stolen from the rear of their home. John McKeever, Ballymacool Terrace, said they were stolen from a purpose built shed at the rear of their home in the early hours of Saturday morning. Gardai in Letterkenny are investigating the theft of the […]

Details emerge of huge new Finn Valley wind farm

HUGE 500 foot turbines will form part of Ireland’s largest onshore wind farm which could be constructed along a 15 kilometre stretch of the top of the Finn Valley, from Barnesmore Gap to near Castlefin.