RAPHOE siblings Sam, Chloe and Joshua Magee are playing the US Open grand Prix Gold event this week in Los Angeles.
Recent Royal visit cost less than €12,000 – so far
THE RECENT visit of Prince Charles and his wife Camilla to Donegal cost at least €11,638 according to records obtained by The Donegal News.
Donegal Hospice spent €250,000 more than it raised
THE Donegal Hospice spent in excess of a quarter of a million more than it took in last year according to new figures, the Donegal News has learned.
Gortahork parish stunned by three deaths in days
PEOPLE in the parish of Gortahork have expressed their shock and sadness at the deaths of three parishioners and the circumstances of the tragedies.
‘The Cope’ in race for Leas Cheann Comhairle post today
The Dail will today elect a Leas Cheann Comhairle in a secret ballot by way of PR
Roger Holmes and the Desert Angels
Peggy the bicycle and myself are alive and well in Utah, where the temperatures yesterday reached 110.5 degrees Fahrenheit!
Shock at sudden passing of broadcaster Seamus McGeidigh
THE sudden death of Seamus McGeidigh on Monday was learned of with great sadness across Donegal and further afield.
New Bring Bank recycling arrangements for Letterkenny
Number of recycling bring banks at Dunnes Stores, Oldtown has been reduced and the Council is asking public to use alternative sites in Letterkenny
Taking Donegal-made guitar on The High Kings US tour
Darren is taking the Donegal-made guitar with him on the group’s upcoming U.S. tour.
A walk back in time through the Cathedral Quarter
THE Cathedral Quarter Walking Tour opened for business this week.