VOLUNTEERS wishing to help promote the upcoming event Darkness Into Light are being invited to come to Letterkenny Town Park this evening for a unique photo opportunity.
Donegal band Mojo Gogo win Indie Music Week in Limerick
AFTER stellar performances at Limerick’s Indie Music Week, Donegal band Mojo GoGo came out on top winning the Top Indie Band award, which was arranged as part of Limerick’s City of Culture celebrations.
The Look: Get your perfect summer glow
WITH our beautiful sunshine of late it is definitely time to get a little bit more skin out and get that summer glow on.
‘You know me’ – former Donegal footballer told gardaí
A TERMON man who claimed gardaí should know him as he was a well-known footballer and assaulted a garda during the course of his arrest has been disqualified from driving for failing to provide a breath sample.
Art Scene: Art teacher Laura Ferguson loves to experiment
IN THIS week’s Art Scene, Zara McDaid meets a fellow artist, Royal and Prior Comprehensive School art teacher Laura Ferguson.
The Fighter: Hitting high notes for Ewing’s
THE Fighter Nikki Bradley has been having trouble with her current crutches while also preparing to sing to raise awareness of Ewing’s Sarcoma.
VIDEO: Donegal Youth Council launches Youth Manifesto
AHEAD of Donegal County Council Elections on May 23 Donegal Youth Councillors have come together with partners WIMPS TV to script, film and present their Donegal Youth Council Youth Manisfesto.
Roy’s Irish Guide Dogs SHADES campaign takes to Donegal
IRISH Guide Dogs SHADES campaign is coming to Donegal this week!
Three Donegal schools to get additional accommodation and emergency works
THE Minister for Education & Skills, Ruairi Quinn TD has informed Minister of State at the Department of Arts, Heritage & Gaeltacht Affairs, Dinny McGinley TD that three Donegal schools have been selected for additional accommodation and emergency works.
New animal welfare group says it’s time to ‘come clean’
DONEGAL’S newest animal welfare Organisation, Donegal Animal Rescue, have slammed the lack of vision and direction of certain animal welfare groups in County Donegal.