Crowds get ready for North West 10k

THOUSANDS of fun runners and walkers are expected to take part in the annual North West Charity 10K Race and Fun Walk on Sunday afternoon.


Appeal after man shot near St Johnston

THE 39-year-old man who was shot four times in a punishment style attack in St Johnston on Tuesday night has been transferred to a hospital in Dublin.


'Freedom Of County' for Daniel

COUNTY Mayor, Noel Mc Bride has offered Daniel O’Donnell the Freedom of the County on behalf of the people of Donegal. The famous singer has graciously accepted this rare honour which will be conferred in June.

Residence for Gaoth Dobhair writer

A DONEGAL man has just been appointed as the Writer in Residence to Mayo County Council for 2012.
Writer, Eoghan Mac Giolla Bhríde hails from Gaoth Dobhair and is well-known for his involvement in the arts.