Four-page interview with Liam in today’s Donegal News
Keadue had young team that ‘lived for playing football’
Four-page interview with Liam in today’s Donegal News
The Best XI I Played Against: Mark Neeson
Mark Nesson is a well-known figure in Donegal soccer circles
Donegal GAA team to hold fundraiser for Olivia Mulhern
The Donegal GAA team and management will host a charity event in July to raise funds for ten-month old baby Olivia ‘Livie’ Mulhern.
The Best XV I have Played Against: Maureen O’Donnell
Maureen O’Donnell has been playing adult football for nearly thirty years.
The Best XI I Played Against: Michael Lynch
Michael Lynch is a well-known figure in Donegal soccer circles
The Best XV I have Played Against: Seaghan Mac Laifeartaigh
Seaghan Mac Laifeartaigh enjoyed a long and fruitful career with his club Downings.
The Best XI I Played Against: Aidan McLaughlin
Aidan McLaughlin starred in the Ulster Senior League for many years with Bonagee United.
McGeehin keen to pass on his top Tipps
MICHAEL McGeehin has been working with intercounty teams for almost thirty years now.