A DONEGAL toastmaster was at Buckingham Palace on Sunday last to present the Queen with a magnum of Champagne on her 90th birthday.
Ambulance with young patient broke down
AN ambulance transporting a young patient from Donegal to Dublin broke down outside Letterkenny last month, resulting in the need for another vehicle
Exclusive: Star Wars now spotted at the Pole Star
There has been another sighting of a UFO in Letterkenny, less than two hours after a similar object was spotted flying close to St Eunan’s Cathedral.
Exclusive: Star Wars comes to Letterkenny town
An image of what appears to be a UFO has been spotted flying above St Eunan’s Cathedral in Letterkenny this afternoon.
Promotion winning Team of 1995/1996 Twenty Year Reunion
During half-time at last Friday night’s game, members of the Finn Harps team from twenty years ago, stepped back onto the turf at Finn Park..
New Medical Scanning Clinic for Letterkenny
TEN jobs are to be created in a new medical scanning facility at Scally Place, off Pearse Road in Letterkenny, at a cost of €2 million.
Donegal scientist wins RSC’s Corday-Morgan Prize
PROFESSOR Angelos Michaelides is the Royal Society of Chemistry Corday-Morgan Prize winner for 2016.
Final heartache for Letterkenny U18 rugby team
Letterkenny u18 left Ravenhill heart broken on Saturday as they knew the final was there for the taking but they did not play to their ful; potential
Jason Quigley impresses in latest Las Vegas win
JASON Quigley continued his unblemished professional career after a unanimous decision victory over experienced James de La Rosa at the T-Mobile Arena
Joe McHugh ‘quietly confident’ of getting a portfolio
DEPUTY Joe McHugh remains ‘quietly confident’ of getting a portfolio under the new government being put together by Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny.