Send a Christmas message to someone special and have your seasons greeting printed free in next week’s edition of the Donegal News (out Wednesday 23rd December) courtesy of Lidl.
All you have to do to share a Lidl bit of magic is simply email your message to ShareMagic@mediaforce.ie, with Donegal News in the subject line before 12 noon on Monday 21st December 2015. Messages must be 50 words or less.
All entries will be put in a draw with one lucky winner getting a voucher for their shopping in January … it couldn’t be easier !
A example of a greeting could be: I would like to wish my Granny and Grandad Murphy, Great Granny & Grandad Murphy and Nana and Grandpa Smyth a brilliant Christmas and say thank you for always looking after me. Love you, Hugs & Kisses, Baby Emily xxx