
Visiting neurology service in LUH ‘inadequate’


Neurology patients in Donegal are at a serious disadvantage compared to other parts of the country when it comes to accessing neurology services.

That’s according to the Neurological Alliance of Ireland (NAI) which has launched a new campaign seeking commitments from elected representatives and the HSE to provide a properly resourced outpatient consultant neurology service at Letterkenny University Hospital.


The current visiting service from Sligo hospital twice a month is completely inadequate to meet the need, leading to increasing waiting times for patients to be seen in Letterkenny and forcing them to travel to hospitals in Sligo and even Galway.

The regional campaign was launched at an online briefing this morning for elected representatives from Letterkenny.

Speakers at the launch included patient representative Elaine Coll from Letterkenny; Laura Hardaker, a person living with epilepsy from Bundoran; Magdalen Rogers, Executive Director, Neurological Alliance of Ireland; and Dr Siobhan Kelly, Consultant Neurologist, Sligo University Hospital.

Patient representative, Elaine Coll, described her experience; “I have been living with MS for 17 years. I travel between five different hospitals – Letterkenny, Sligo, Manorhamilton, and two in Dublin – for medical appointments. I could have up to three appointments in a month, all in different places. My husband drives me to my appointments, as public transport isn’t an option due to my mobility, taking annual leave from his work.

“The cost of travelling long distances regularly for appointments places huge financial strain on patients and their families. The fatigue from travelling, treatment and the appointment can knock you for days after. If I was able to see a consultant neurologist in Letterkenny University Hospital, it would lessen the excessive amount of travelling I do and ensure I was getting the care I need closer to home.

“People living with neurological conditions feel invisible, we’re being denied our basic right to access to healthcare. One in three people will be affected by a neurological condition which is why it’s so important that we can access the healthcare we need within a reasonable distance to our homes.  Having access to consultant neurology services would hugely benefit the lives of people living with neurological conditions in Donegal. The decisions our Government makes will have lifelong implications for people living with neurological conditions, that’s why we need them to act now.”

Speaking at the launch of the campaign, Magdalen Rogers, NAI Executive Director, said: “Letterkenny University Hospital has a visiting neurology service from Sligo twice a month however this is inadequate to meet the needs of patients living in Donegal. It is also having a knock-on effect, placing unsustainable pressure on the neurology services in Sligo University Hospital. Access to a consultant neurologist should not depend on where you live, yet people with chronic long-term neurological conditions are regularly travelling between 60-112km to see their neurologist. We know that patients travelling long distances for treatment suffer poorer outcomes, from delays in diagnosis to living with debilitating symptoms.


“Providing consultant neurology outpatient services in Letterkenny University Hospital and regional hospitals across Ireland will not only have a positive impact on a patient’s overall health, but it reduces unnecessary admissions, reduces length of stay and unnecessary tests. Early access to diagnosis and treatment means that we can prevent disability, reduce complications and provide better quality of life for those living with neurological conditions.

“Set out in Sláintecare reform, patients have the right to access services closer to their homes and our elected representatives have a responsibility to see this promise through. We are calling on elected representatives in Donegal and the HSE to commit to delivering these services for the over 860,000 people living with neurological conditions across Ireland.”

The campaign is calling on elected representatives to provide outpatient consultant neurology services in Bantry, Letterkenny, Mayo, Portlaoise, and Wexford to reduce the journeys required for those living with neurological conditions.

The Neurological Alliance of Ireland, the national umbrella for neurological charities, together with 23 of its member organisations is asking people to take action for local neurology services. The Patient Deserve Better campaign is a joint initiative brought to you by NAI and Roche Products (Ireland) Ltd.

Visit for more information about the campaign.



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