
Visiting by apppointment resumes at LUH

Visiting by appointment is being re-introduced at Letterkenny University Hospital and from today patients may have one visit per day lasting up to 30 minutes.
To make an appointment to visit a patient in a ward area, family members / visitors are asked to contact the ward or unit in advance (before 3pm). Appointments will be staggered across all ward areas each day at 6.30pm, 7.15pm and 8pm.
In the event of an active outbreak on a ward, visiting will be limited to compassionate grounds and you will be advised of this when you contact the ward.
Visitors will be asked to arrive at their scheduled visiting time to the main hospital entrance where their name will be checked on the approved list of visitors and they will be asked to complete a COVID-19 Risk Assessment Form.
Seán Murphy, Hospital Manager, Letterkenny University Hospital said, “We are delighted to be in a position to resume access for visitors, but at the same time we need to do everything we can to keep patients, visitors and staff safe and take every precaution to help prevent the introduction or spread of COVID-19.
“If you are a nominated support person (visitor) for a patient in the hospital, we ask that you do not visit the hospital if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in contact with anyone with COVID-19.
“We will also ask the support person/visitor to complete a COVID-19 screening checklist and wear a surgical face mask during their visit and use the hand gel regularly.
“Children may not visit the hospital unless agreed in advance, on compassionate grounds, with the ward / unit manager.
“There are separate arrangements in place for access to the maternity department for nominated support partners.
“I would like to thank the public for their ongoing co-operation in ensuring we can facilitate visiting in a safe manner to protect both patients and visitors.”