
Tiny sick kitten dumped by roadside

Sick kitten Poppy was dumped in a box

A TINY sick kitten is lucky to be alive after she was heartlessly dumped in a box at a roadside near Donegal Town this week and left to die.

Luckily for the kitten, a local woman was outside gardening at the time and witnessed a car pulling over and acting suspiciously near her home.

The woman driving the car then ordered three young children aged between 5 and 10 to get out and dump a box at the roadside.


Despite the children’s pleas and obvious reluctance to part with the box, the woman, who appeared to be their mother, forced them to leave it on the ground, after which the children returned to the car and they drove away leaving the box behind them.

The witness then went to investigate what they had dumped and was horrified to find a tiny, extremely sick, 6 week old kitten cowering inside.

The kitten, now named Poppy, was rushed to Donegal Town-based animal rescue Animals In Need, where she is now being treated for a severe eye infection and cat flu.

Poppy is being treated for severe cat flu

An outraged Animals In Need spokesperson said: “This was such a callous thing to do. The box was only found by chance or that poor little kitten would have suffered a horrific, slow death in there.”

She continued: “We regularly go round the schools as part of our Education Programme to teach the children to respect and care for animals but what is this woman teaching her poor children? That it is OK to just throw away sick animals and drive off without a backward glance?”

The shocked animal rescuer stated: “Why are people still dumping kittens in this day and age? There is help available either by ringing a rescue or a vet. Kittens can’t survive on their own so dropping them off to fend for themselves is sending them to an agonising death where they will starve, become sick or injured and ultimately die. We would ask people to please take responsibility and stop this cruelty.’

Thankfully Poppy is responding to treatment for cat flu and it is hoped that she will not suffer any long term damage to her eyes. She is a very friendly little girl and when she has recovered she be able to join the other foster kittens in the cattery and then go on to find a loving forever home.


If you would like to help towards Poppy’s medical expenses please donate €2 via your phone by texting the word ‘KITTEN’ to 50300. The helpline for dogs is 087 1356188 and for cat/kitten enquiries please call 087 7644420.

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