Callum Mullen and Aleisha Montgomery enjoying the sunny weather at Rathmullan beach.
THE saying that March ‘comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb’ has been well and truly proven in Donegal this week.
The county has basked under glorious sunshine and record breaking temperatures of up to 20 degrees since last Saturday in what is the best weather for March in living memory.
This time two years ago, the county was still reeling from the big freeze and fears were still being expressed over a salt shortage.
Indeed, in April last year when late snowfalls caused chaos on many of the county’s roads.
Contrast this with last weekend when temperatures in some parts of Donegal even exceeded those in some Mediterranean countries.
Met Eireann recorded a high of 20.3 degrees at Finner Camp on Sunday while it was almost as warm, 19.9 degrees at Malin Head.
Not only did the arrival of sunshine lift the spirits of people across Donegal, it has definitely provided a welcome boost to the trade of local businesses.