EVERY year thousands of people fly home for Christmas to visit family and friends in Donegal. However it will very different this year with air travel restrictions, lockdown and quarantine measures currently in place due to the ongoing pandemic. Harry Walsh spoke to five people living abroad to get their views on Christmas 2020 and […]
‘It still doesn’t feel normal in Italy’
ON Monday, Italy entered Phase 3 of its Covid-19 lockdown easing, with almost all activities reopening including playgrounds, theatres and cinemas. Almost 90 per cent of bars and restaurants are already open, but 60 per cent of hotels remain closed. Letterkenny woman Siobhán Hegarty works as a wedding photographer throughout Umbria and the beautiful central […]
Letterkenny woman hit by Italian lockdown
Photographer has lost all her destination weddings and shoots in Rome for the entire month of March after everyone in Italy was placed under lockdown.