People in Donegal are being invited take part in a death literacy survey. The PhD research study is being completed by Stephanie Crawford at Queen’s University Belfast in collaboration with the All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care. ‘Death literacy’ is the knowledge and skills that people need to access, understand and make decisions about […]
Lifford woman obtains her PhD in social research
LIFFORD native Marianne O’Kane Boal has just become a PhD graduate. Marianne is the daughter of Joanna and the late Eddie O’Kane of Cavanacor House, Ballindrait, Lifford. She has been studying at ATU Sligo for the past five years working on her PhD in Social Research and recently graduated. “It has been a real labour […]
Language planning officer learns Welsh during lockdown
THE new Irish Language planning officer for the Cloughaneely region has spent lockdown learning Welsh. Philip Mac a’ Ghoill from Aighe, Ardara, is now fluent in the Celtic language and is looking forward to his first visit to Wales once restrictions are lifted. “You’re never finished learning a language. The more you know, the more […]