BRID Sweeney, a native of Dore who now lives in Loughanure, is currently undertaking a mammoth fitness challenge to raise funds for an ‘Oasis of Peace’ sculpture. Brid is three weeks into her 365 day walking challenge to raise funds for a communal reflection space in Gweedore which will be in remembrance of those who […]
Suggestions sought for Gaoth Dobhair’s ‘Oasis of Peace’
THE people of Gaoth Dobhair are being asked to come up suggestions for the location for an ‘Oasis of Peace’ sculpture. The communal reflection space in the heart of the community will be in remembrance of those who have died suddenly and tragically down through the years. Ms Máire Uí Chomhaill, Bainisteoir, Ionad Naomh Pádraig, […]