Bradley tipped to run for Fine Gael in upcoming General Election 

INSPIRATIONAL Milford woman Nikki Bradley was yesterday appointed to Seanad Éireann by Taoiseach Simon Harris and is expected to now stand for Fine Gael in the forthcoming General Election in the hope of holding the seat being vacated by former Minister Joe McHugh. She was appointed to replace Fine Gael’s Regina Doherty who has been […]

Brave Nikki to undergo her second amputation surgery later this year

ALMOST one year on from making the life-changing decision to undergo amputation surgery, Milford woman Nikki Bradley is on the cusp of another journey. A teenage survivor of rare bone disease Ewings Sarcoma, Nikki is an adaptive adventurer and motivational speaker telling her own cancer story to help others. With having faced various issues with her […]

Two big surprises on the same day

INSPIRATIONAL Donegal woman Nikki Bradley is celebrating her engagement following a surprise proposal at the weekend. It was a cause for double celebration for cancer survivor Nikki, who revealed she got engaged to her partner, Ian Parke on her 36th birthday. The couple live in Milford. A survivor of rare bone disease Ewings Sarcoma, Nikki […]

Nikki’s Amazing Adventure

Apologies for my absence of late, I have been very bold and haven’t done much writing. I hope you’ll forgive me, I have a good excuse though.

Social Media Strikes Again!

I mentioned before that I think social media is a really powerful tool, it connected me with Michael Robbert Brans in Holland and others worldwide.