Donegal Dublin Business Network welcomes A5 infrastructure investment

The Donegal Dublin Business Network (DDBN) has welcomed the Government’s pledge of €600 million towards the development of the A5 Derry to Aughnacloy Northwest Transport Corridor. The DDBN say they hope the Lifford to Manorcunningham phase of the Ten T project will happen in tandem with the A5, to complete this strategic access into the […]

Defective homes public enquiry call

BY KATE HEANEY THE EU Parliament’s Petition Committee, who visited defective material homeowners in Donegal in the autumn, have recommended “a thorough and transparent public enquiry and effective and timely proceedings, when appropriate”. The draft report is hard-hitting in its recommendations and states that “there is a need for a clearer picture when it comes […]

Delight for Manor residents as long-awaited water works begin

RESIDENTS in the Manorcunningham area who have been plagued by water outages are at last to see an end to their misery. Households in Raymoghy, Rossbracken, Pluck and Errity’s Brae suffered a large number of water outages and regular interruption to their supply duirng Christmas and the New Year period. But, their misery has been […]

Fundraising auction planned for Drumoghill chapel

By Dionne Meehan A FUNDRAISING auction has been organised in a bid to secure the future of St Columba’s Church in Drumoghill, Manorcunningham. Known as being the “heart” of Drumoghill’s bright, caring and connected local community for almost 200 years, the building has fallen into a state of dilapidation in recent times. Advertisement From first […]

Relief for Manor residents as watermains works to start

by Louise Doyle RESIDENTS of Manorcunningham and the surrounding areas are breathing a sigh of relief as a date has been set to remedy repeated water outages. Households in Manor, Raymoghy and Rossbracken have been plagued with persistent water outages, but this spell looks set to end after a letter was issued to residents in recent days […]

Funeral of Ramelton’s Paul Mooney to take place tomorrow

By Dionne Meehan THE funeral will take place in Ramelton on Friday morning of Paul Mooney who died tragically in a road collision on Monday evening in Manorcunningham. The talented musician from Glen Lower, Ramelton, died in a two-car collision on the N14 Letterkenny to Lifford Road at Carrickballydoey at around 7pm on Monday. Advertisement […]

Parishioners attend Mass in their local Resource Centre

By Dionne Meehan PARISHIONERS in Raymochy have been forced to attend Mass in their local Resource Centre for the past year due to the deterioration of their local chapel. St Columba’s Church is a small chapel located 10 minutes outside Letterkenny in Drumoghill, Manorcunningham. Advertisement Known as being the “heart” of Drumoghill’s bright, caring and […]

Uisce Éireann confirm delay in vital maintence works in Manor

By Dionne Meehan UISCE ÉIREANN has confirmed that vital water maintenance works scheduled for the Manorcunningham area are to face further delays. This comes after Uisce Éireann contacted Cllr Donal ‘Mandy’ Kelly this week to inform him of the delay. Advertisement After being told works were to begin this month, Cllr Kelly said he was “disappointed […]

Cheque presented to Donegal Hospice

Reverend Jim Lamont has presented a cheque for €3,300 to Donegal Hospice from the proceeds of a fundraising concert that he organised at An Grianan Theatre in Letterkenny in June. Also in attendance at the presentation were four of the artists who performed in the concert – Dianne Lecky from Pluck, Manorcunningham, Maria Doherty and […]

Manorcunningham men come together to set up new Men’s Shed

By Dionne Meehan A GROUP of friends from Manorcunningham have turned their thoughts into a reality by opening the first Men’s Shed in the village. When Declan Glackin, John Crawford, Paul Doherty and Joe Mulhern found there wasn’t much to do in the village other than to go for a pint, they began working on ways […]