Gardaí a ‘godsend’ at violent Church incident 

by Louise Doyle “IT was a godsend gardaí were there. It doesn’t bear thinking about what could have happened if they weren’t.” Those were the words of Letterkenny Mayor Councillor Gerry McMonagle yesterday, speaking in the wake of a shocking incident on the grounds of the Church of the Irish Martyrs on Sunday. Advertisement Five men […]

Car stolen in Letterkenny

Gardaí are investigating the theft of a car in Letterkenny. The silver Audi was taken from Parkview Drive on Thursday, August 13, between 10.40pm and midnight. It was later found abandoned in the area of Gortlee, Letterkenny. The rear passenger tyre of the car had been damaged. “We appeal to anybody who may have observed the […]

Passenger injured in Newmills collision

GARDAÍ are appealing for information in the wake of a collision in which a passenger sustained serious injuries. The single vehicle collision occurred at Rashedoge, Newmills, in the early hours of Saturday, August 17, at 1.04am. A vehicle collided with a wall at that location. The vehicle was travelling between Glenswilly and Newmills on a back […]

Buy-a-brick campaign edges towards 200 mark

A FUNDRAISING buy-a-brick campaign for a major new development at Letterkenny Community Centre is set to hit a milestone in the coming weeks. Sales to date have been very encouraging and they are now on target to pass the 200 mark shortly. It’s all part of the drive to raise funds for the new €1.4 million […]

Special birthdays celebrated in Fanad

THERE was a day of celebration in Fanad last week as family and friends gathered to mark two special birthdays. Fanad native Mary Tobin (Letterkenny), who turned 90 last Christmas, was joined by her brother Joachim McAteer who turns 80 this week for a joint birthday party. Also present for the celebration was their brother […]

Concern as Letterkenny créche fees to rise by 21 per cent

by Louise Doyle CONCERN has emerged in the wake of an imminent 21 per cent hike in childcare fees at a Letterkenny facility. Parents of children who attend Wonder Years Childcare Centre in Rossbracken received an email in recent days detailing the increase, to come into effect in September. Advertisement One upset parent told the Donegal News that they […]

‘We could do with extra resources’: Sergeant McGroary

by Paul McElwee AS the old saying goes, ‘prevention is better than cure’, an adage which is especially true when it comes to crime. And, tasked with ensuring crime stays at bay in Letterkenny and the surrounding area is Sergeant Fergus McGroary, new crime prevention officer for Donegal Garda Division. Advertisement He has replaced the recently-retired Garda […]

Quality acts set to delight at Letterkenny Busking Festival

LETTERKENNY’S Main Street will play host to an afternoon of entertainment and some top quality acts this Saturday afternoon. The annual Letterkenny Busking Festival, now in its ninth year, has attracted talented buskers and performers from lots of different genres, creating great entertainment and a fun atmosphere for all to enjoy. And this Saturday, August […]