LAST Monday two well-known Donegal DJs released a new collaboration, featuring a young talented singer/songwriter, which has already received world-wide attention and had thousands of people dancing.
Donegal couple support ‘Happy New Ear’ campaign for daughter Taylor Beth (2)
IF YOU had the ability to treat blindness, would you only cure one eye? This is the comparison campaigners for the State to provide funding for two implants to deaf or partially deaf children and adults in Ireland are making. Alison and John McFadden, Letterkenny, are members of the Happy New Ear campaign which is petitioning for signatures to present to Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly TD, asking him to provide funding for bilateral Cochlear implants for deaf children in Ireland.
COMPETITION: Tickets to giveaway for At First Light concert
THE REGIONAL Cultural Centre has five pairs of tickets to give away for the At First Light concert this Friday night, February 22.
Youth Orchestra receives National Award for The Happy Prince
DONEGAL VEC Music Education Partnership’s Donegal Youth Orchestra has been awarded a special Achievement Award for The Happy Prince project.
Top folk acts appearing in Regional Cultural Centre
THE Regional Cultural Centre Letterkenny continues to offer Donegal audiences the chance to see and hear world-class music in intimate surroundings on our own doorsteps when two of the best folk groups in Britain and Ireland perform back-to-back seated concerts next week.
Things a sizzling up at Arena7 in Letterkenny
THINGS are sizzling’ up at the popular Letterkenny entertainment complex Arena7 as it has made a very tasty addition to its menu.
Bressie to kick off nationwide tour in Letterkenny
HE IS a favourite with mothers and daughters in Irish households and now Letterkenny gets ready to brace itself for the screaming female fans as Bressie comes town in May.
Letterkenny doctor hailed as hero in America
A RECRUITMENT embargo is preventing highly trained cardiologist based in the USA from returning home to Ireland.
Major treat as The Unthanks return to Letterkenny
THE popular sister group, The Unthanks from the North East of England make a welcome return to the Regional Cultural Centre in Letterkenny on Thursday, February 21.
Man appears before Letterkenny court on trespass charges
A 22 year old man has appeared before Letterkenny District Court charged with trespassing at a house in Letterkenny.