Anna (18), who is a fifth year student at Loreto Letterkenny, won the 25 metre butterfly title in 23.51 seconds
Family on the run: ‘Dillon 7 Dublin 2017’
The Olympic Games creed was front and centre in the minds of seven Letterkenny siblings who completed the Dublin City Marathon on Sunday.
Real marathon effort from members of one Donegal family
The Dillon family will be raising money for the Irish Kidney Association, an organisation that has supported and helped their father, Jimmy.
Magnificent seven: Donegal siblings in marathon effort
The Dillon family from Letterkenny will be raising money for the Irish Kidney Association, an organisation that has supported and helped their father
Young Letterkenny athlete selected on Irish squad
Anna (17), who is a Transition Year student at Loreto Letterkenny, won both the 25 metre freestyle and butterfly swimming events in Newry last weekend