Recovered bikes donated to Ukrainian refugees

STOLEN or lost bicycles recovered by An Garda Síochána have been donated to Ukrainian refugees in Termon through a Foróíge youth group in Raphoe which has been refurbishing bikes since October 2022. Garda Ted McCaffrey and Garda Ann Marie O’Farrell, Community Gardaí from the Lifford Sector, presented the bikes refurbished by young people from Foróige to […]

Letterkenny Rotary Club’s Annual School Bikes Africa Appeal

Donegal County Council is delighted to support and promote the Letterkenny Rotary Club’s annual School Bikes Africa Appeal in conjunction with Donegal County Council and Bryson Recycling. The annual appeal is being promoted this October to coincide with National Reuse month. Bicycles suitable for refurbishing should be strong and sturdy, mountain bike style, have minimum 24” […]