Storyteller Joe Brennan joined first year students from Errigal College at Beltony Stone Circle last Friday
DONEGAL storyteller Joe Brennan joined first year students from Errigal College at Beltony Stone Circle last Friday, April 12, where he told the students about the circle and told them some folktales as part of the current Read LK initiative.
As Artemis Fowl, the book chosen for this year’s Read LK, is based on folklore and stories of fairies, the Ramelton based storyteller said it seemed appropriate to bring them to the Beltony Stone Circle and relate some folktales.
He said: “Although there are no stories that I have been able to find relating to the circle, I was able talk about its link with the Festival of Bealtaine. Of course, May Eve is one of two nights when the hidden world comes close to ours and the fairies walk freely in the world.”
Joe also told the students a number of stories that are included in his new book, Donegal Folk Tales, which has just been published.
The book will be officially launched by Little John Nee on Thursday, April 18, at the Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny.
Joe said: “I’m so delighted with the book. There are stories from many parts of the county, some well-known and others that are not so familiar.
“Some I have been telling for years and others I unearthed in the process of my research. I must admit though that is was strange walking into local shops and seeing it sitting on the shelves.”
Joe said the response to his book has been very positive so far and he hopes that people far and wide will enjoy the stories, whether they have a direct Donegal link or just a love of the county.
The book was commissioned, and is published, by The History Press Ireland. It is part of a series of folktales from every county in Ireland, written by different authors.