By Kate Heaney
LANDLORDS in Donegal were paid just under €400,000 last year for properties they rented to the Office of Public Works for use by the state.
The properties are spread across the county and are used by a range of state departments, but predominantly Social Protection. The list was provided to Deputy Pearse Doherty on foot of a Parliamentary Question regarding nation-wide state rentals.
The most expensive property in the county listed, and rented by the OPW is the Probation and Welfare Service offices at Lower Main Street in Letterkenny for which €100,000 rental was paid last year to landlords, Patrick and Anne Gallagher.
The Revenue Commissioners paid rental of €58,000 in Letterkenny last year to landlords Patrick and Sally Dunnion for premises they own in the town.
Other Letterkenny premises rented by the OPW include the Letterkenny Driving Test Centre. The rental for this last year was €15,000 to landlord PJ Doherty and Son Ltd. The same landlord rents the Letterkenny Education Office to the Dept of Education for an annual rental of €41,896.
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