
Staff left shaken after Rathmullan armed robbery

By Dionne Meehan

STAFF working in Carbury’s XL, Rathmullan, were left badly shaken after they were threatened by a youth wielding a knife on Thursday night.

At approximately 7pm, Gardaí said one male entered the premises armed with a knife and threatened staff.


“No one was injured during the incident. He left the scene with a large sum of money,” a spokesperson said.

Recovering the weapon and money during a follow up search, Gardaí arrested two male juveniles.

The pair were detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984 at a Garda station in the Northern region and have since been released without charge.

“A file will now be prepared for the Garda Youth Diversion Office,” said a Garda spokesperson.

Speaking to the Donegal News following the burglary, Cllr Pauric McGarvey said the people of Rathmullan will not tolerate this behaviour.

“I was speaking to the family this morning and the staff member that was working is badly shaken.

“These things don’t happen in a small village like Rathmullan.


“Thankfully, with the quick work of the guards, the two were arrested, the knife was confiscated and the large sum of money was returned,” he said.

Describing Rathmullan as being a “close-knit” community, Cllr McGarvey stressed that the village doesn’t “want” this behaviour.

“People feel safe in Rathmullan, they don’t want this.

“These things shouldn’t be happening within a small community and a small town like Rathmullan,” he said.

Meanwhile, Gardaí have confirmed that investigations are on-going.

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