
Second Breast Surgeon Welcomed in Letterkenny


Significant progress has been made for the appointment of a second breast consultant at Letterkenny University Hospital (LUH), following discussions with Saolta Group representatives and Department of Health at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry. 

Donegal Minister Joe McHugh has welcomed the announcement, saying, “I know those who have campaigned for this are pleased with this news, as am I.

“A second consultant who has worked in the North West previously has been in discussions to return. The post will be on a locum basis to begin with by June or July ahead of a permanent appointment, allowing for the best standards of practice in the field.”


One idea being discussed, said McHugh, is for the second breast surgeon to be based in Letterkenny with the option of also treating patients in Derry.

Mr McHugh continued, “Discussions between Letterkenny and Altnagelvin are also at a very positive stage and I am pleased there is now significant progress on a second breast consultant at LUH.

“One of the difficulties we have faced is that surgeons need to carry out a significant number of major operations each year to meet very high standards of practice. Adding patients to the clinics of a second surgeon from outside the LUH catchment area is one way of doing that.” 
