You are a Diatom by S.Kennedy.
A UNIQUE collaboration between West Donegal artists collective and a third level institute which aims to teach science through art will be launched at Letterkenny Town Park next week.
The new three-day science through art outreach and education initiative, Earth Festival 2014, opens on Tuesday, November 11, as part of National Science Week.
Earth Festival will be centred around a series of ten illuminated sculptures produced by An Cosán Glas, inspired by the cutting edge scientific research of the UCD Earth Institute and the students of the Earth and Natural Sciences Doctoral Studies Programme.
With titles ranging from The Architects of Human Destruction, The Secret Life of Plants and Under the Weather it promises to be a fascinating insight into current scientific research and the vast breath of work being under taken at University College Dublin.
The artist take on what they have seen and heard at UCD should provide a new prospective on how science really works and the places that a career in scientific research can lead to.
Well-known An Cosan Glás member, artist Deirdre Brennan said: “It’s been a steep learning curve for both the artists and the scientists; but it really has been a very rewarding experience and we hope that those who visit the park will gain as much from the experience as we have.
“The sculptures will be accompanied by an audio recording of the relevant artist and scientist discussing the inspiration and interpretation behind the piece, which will be available on the festival website as well as in the park.”
“A programme of workshops, seminars and tours tailored to a secondary school student audience is also being run along and it is envisioned that this will be the first in an annual festival aimed to encourage children and young people to engage with, and participate in, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) activities outside of the formal education system.