
RUC officer’s memorial now in a safe place

THE memorial stone placed on the grave of murdered RUC man John Doherty on the fiftieth anniversary of his death, which was then stolen, defaced and put back, has now been cleaned and is securely displayed in a British Legion Hall.

Mr Doherty, was shot dead while visiting his mother in Lifford in 1973.

A memorial stone placed on his grave in Castlefin Cemetery marking the fiftieth anniversary was stolen in November 2023 and late returned defaced and marked with IRA graffiti. His family were disgusted at what happened.


The memorial stone has since been restored and a re-dedication ceremony was held on Sunday in Castlederg, County Tyrone, for Mr Doherty.

The service was attended by representatives from both the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and An Garda Síochána (the Irish police service).

Mr Doherty was the first RUC officer killed in the Republic of Ireland during the Troubles.

Speaking to the BBC after the rededication, Mr Doherty’s brother Terry said that the memorial stone would now go on permanent display at a British Legion Hall with a photograph of John rather than be placed back at his graveside.

“We wouldn’t want to give those individuals the opportunity or satisfaction to desecrate the grave,” he said.

He added that those who had carried out the vandalism would never win and that “good will always overcome evil”.

“That stone and a picture of John will be hung proudly in that hall long after you’ve gone,” he said.


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