Mart Kennedy and Anne Cassin, RTÉ Nationwide.
ON FRIDAY, December 20, RTÉ’s Nationwide will feature a specialprogramme from Ballyshannon, as it celebrates a major milestone in its history with the 400th anniversary of the signing of the Royal Charter.
RTÉ’s North West Correspondent Eileen Magnier looks back to give a taste of the town’s past and how that history continues to influence the town’s presence and hopefully add to its prosperity in the future.
Also on the programme, presenter Anne Cassin talks to Irish actor Sean McGinley who spent his youth in Ballyshannon. Sean is well established in theatre through his long association with the Druid Theatre in Galway and more recently has been enjoying the success of the TV drama Love/Hate where he plays IRA man, Tony.
Although he left the town years ago to pursue his acting career Sean retains strong links with Ballyshannon, and recently he gave Anne a tour of the places in the locality that are special to him.
Tune in to Nationwide, Friday, December 10 at 7.00pm on RTÉ One.