Packie Keeney.
EARLIER this week a much-loved Donegal broadcaster signed off for the last time on Highland Radio’s Monday Night Live.
Packie Keeney tried to quietly say his final goodbyes on air but messages of congratulations have been flooding in all week.
Even though he is a man who does not like to cause a ‘fuss’, the many musicians he helped over the years certainly did and since the announcement the messages have been flooding in through all mediums.
Packie closed the show with his good friend Seamus McGee, who was the first guest to appear on Monday Night Live, as well as special guest Maire Rua Gallagher, a good friend and regular contributor to the Highland programme.
“A serious amount of messages have been coming in, it’s amazing and I am very grateful to everyone for their kind words,” said Packie.
Packie is husband to Kathleen, whom he met in Lifford in 1970 and married in ‘72, and father to Declan (a film lecturer at Queen’s University Belfast), well-known music producer Michael, and Martin, Donegal Youth Council Co-ordinator.
Read the full and in-depth interview with Packie Keeney in tomorrow’s print edition of the Donegal News.

Packie, Maire Rua Gallagher, Seamus McGee on the launch of Maire Rua’s tribute song written by Danny O’Donnell and sung by Seamus McGee.