
Pobailscoil launches new double album

Bridí­n Ní­ Mhaoldomhnaigh, a former student at Pobailscoil Ghaoth Dobhair, features on the double CD.

THE past and present students of Pobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair will launch their new double CD entitled Drithleoga in Halla Spóirt na Pobalscoile on Saturday, 26 May at 8.30pm.

The first Pobalscoil CD was released in 1999 as part of the 25th celebration of the setting up of the Pobalscoil in 1973.


The second CD ‘Idir Muir agus Sliabh’ was released in 2008.The new CD features na drithleoga ceoil on CD1 – the sparks of music and na drithleoga cainte on CD2 – the sparks of words.In all there are 26 tracks on the 2 CD’s – over 2 hours of newly recorded material.

Na Drithleoga Ceoil: Ten of the 18 tracks on the music CD feature present day students of the school which is an indication of the great talent in the area at the moment.

Four of the tracks are from recent past students of the school and the other four tracks are by staff members in the school.

Among the artists on the CD are Emma Ní Fhíoruisce, Srath na Corcra; Megan Nic Ruairí, Rann na Feirste; Cathal Ó Cuireáin, Glaisdobharchú; Shaun Ó Donnagáin, Mín an Iolair; Oisín Ó Scolaí Smith, Rann na Feirste; John Ó Cuireáin, an Ghlaisigh and Sarah Louise Nic Pháidín, singing traditional songs, country and western, contemporary pop music and rock music.

The staff members include An tAthair Brian Ó Fearraigh, Suzanne Ní Ghallchóir, Pól Ó Gallchóir and Eamonn Ó Duibhir.

All 16 tracks were recently recorded and produced by Mánus Lunny and have all the features associated with the polished, imaginative and musical work of Mánus.

Na Drithleoga Cainte: Pobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair’s strong dramatic and verbal tradition features strongly on the other CD.


There are three award winning radio programmes on the CD – which features the famous writer from Rann na Feirste ‘Máire’ (Séamus Ó Grianna) (2009), a programme about the student’s native area of Gaoth Dobhair (2010) and another one about the musical and literacy tradition of Rann na Feirste (2011).

There are two tracks which feature Brídín Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh who has been performing in TG4’s Ros na Rún since leaving the Pobalscoil in 2010 after her Leaving Certificate.

There are three other recitations from Rosie Nic Gairbheith, Caoimhe Nic Pháidín Ní Dhomhnaill and Ceithleann Ní Dhuibhir Ní Dhúlacháin. All the material on CD2 was recorded recently in the RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta’s studio in Doirí Beaga.

The two CDs will be launched by Caitlín (Joe Jack) Uí Dhuibhir who has done trojan work for the past number of years in the promotion of traditional music and song in the area and Tomás Mac Giolla Bhríghde who has been the catalyst the fostering of young dramatic talent in the Pobalscoil for many years. Everybody is welcome.



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