Fine Gael Minister of State for the Gaeltacht, Dinny McGinley T.D. for Donegal South West, has welcomed plans to develop two new Primary Care Centres in Donegal Town & Dungloe. The announcement was made as part of a multi-billion euro stimulus package unveiled by the Government, which also includes significant investment in roads and schools across the country.
“It will come as a great boost to the people of South West Donegal that two new Primary Care Centres is planned for Donegal Town & Dungloe. The new centres will make a real difference to the way in which the people of South West Donegal access health care services in the community.
“Developing the network of Primary Care Centres is a key commitment in the Programme for Government. It was also a central plank of Fine Gael’s reform programme for the health service, which was developed in Opposition and is now being pursued in Government by Minister James Reilly and his colleague Minister Roisin Shorthall.
“Primary Care Centres, like the two new ones to be provided in Donegal Town & Dungloe, will be the first point of contact for people who need to access health services in the years ahead. In a developed Primary Care system, as envisaged by the Government, up to 95% of people’s day-to-day health and social care needs can be provided in a community setting.
“The new centres will make a substantial difference to the lives of people in Donegal Town & Dungloe. As well as treating illness, the centres in Donegal Town & Dungloe will help people to care for themselves, such as those with a long-term illness, and it will also help to prevent serious illness from occurring in the first place by providing easily accessible health services in the community.
“A focus on Primary Care not only benefits patients, it will also benefit the taxpayer. By allowing patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes, stroke and asthma, to be treated near or at their homes, we can save the health service millions of euro by preventing hospital stays.
“I look forward to the development of the new Primary Care Centres in Donegal Town and Dungloe, and to seeing the benefits it brings the local community.”