
Patience wearing thin as walkway remains closed

By Dionne Meehan

PATIENCE is wearing thin for residents in Stranorlar after the re-opening of a walkway into Drumboe Woods was put on hold once again.

The walkway, which is adjacent to Finn Valley College, closed in 2010 as a result of works being completed on the newly built school.


Causing much frustration among the community since its closure, earlier this year works to re-open the walkway were given the go ahead.

However, these plans have once again been pushed back due to on-going extension works taking place at the Donegal ETB-run post-primary school.

Speaking to the Donegal News, Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council, Cllr Martin Harley said the ongoing delays over the walkway are not acceptable.

“There was always a walkway through that particular field prior to the construction of the Finn Valley College back in 2010,” he said.

“There was a corridor left along the southern side of the project that we used as a walkway and the people in the area agreed to that at the time.

“They were happy with that.

“But when the school was completed, there were gates put on both sides of it and these gates haven’t been opened in 14 years,” he said.


Cllr Harley said those that are mostly affected are elderly residents in their 70s and 80s.

“What is happening now is that people have to drive down into Stranorlar, go down the Main Street, turn up Drumboe Avenue and drive past another Vocational School, St Columba’s, to get into the woods.

“The community up there have been very patient, but their patience has run out.

“It has just been kicked about from pillar to post,” he said.

Raising the issue at last week’s Donegal Education and Training Board’s meeting, Cllr Harley was told the ETB would work with Donegal County Council in a bid to get the walkway opened as soon as possible.

“I was delighted to hear that news,” Cllr Harley said.

“If I don’t get elected in one week’s time, if I could even get this walk way opened I would feel like I have achieved something for the community of Drumboe.

“I just want to get it opened so people can enjoy it,” he said.

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