An image from the Still, We Work exhibition which opens at the Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny today.
A NEW exhibition exploring contemporary representations of women and work opens in the Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny this Friday.
Still, We Work (May 12 to 23) is a free exhibition featuring work by artists Sarah Browne, Miriam O’Connor, Anne Tallentire and Vagabond Reviews.
The exhibition, commissioned by the National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI), will be touring Ireland over the next few months.
The tour will be launched with the first exhibition, curated by Marie Barrett, at the RCC this evening at 5pm.
Speakers include Eilís Ní Chaitnía, National Women’s Council of Ireland, Marie Barrett, Exhibition Curator, Finola Brennan, Donegal Women’s Network and Annette Patton, Community Development Alliance.
The exhibition will be a unique opportunity for artists and women to come together and examine issues surrounding women and work today.
MS Marie Barrett said: “Working closely with the artists and the National Women’s Council of Ireland has allowed me to develop new cross-sectoral collaborations that will articulate and explore some of the key issues for women in the wider context of socio-political debate within a cross-border region.”
During the first weekend of the exhibition, Vagabond Reviews and Miriam O’Connor will be working with Donegal Women’s Network and the Donegal Travellers Project.
There will also be a free public talk with Artist Anne Tallentire on Saturday, May 23 at 3pm in the RCC. To book a place e-mail rcc@donegalcoco.ie.
NWCI would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Arts Council Visual Arts Touring Award and the support of the tour partners and supporters.
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