AT this time of year it can be almost impossible for children not catch the bugs, coughs and colds going around the classroom however, there may be some natural remedies to help them bounce back. An event centred around homeopathy, an alternative medicine that uses natural remedies to stimulate the body’s own healing power, will take place in Letterkenny library tomorrow.
Local practitioner Mark O’Sullivan will host the event called ‘Kids’ Holistic Health – A free introductory session’ and will share some of the expertise he has honed after over a decade in the business. Mark has a clinic based at Letterkenny Community Centre and he also teaches the use of natural remedies at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in Dublin.
“I have always been interested in health and pursued courses in therapies such as the Bach Flower Remedies, Tissue Salts and Herbs before completing my licentiate from the Irish School of Homeopathy. I’m a newcomer to Letterkenny, having moved here to be with my son. It’s a great town.”
Mark, who is a member of Letterkenny Music and Drama Group, said all ages are welcome to the talk and he will be mostly addressing ailments of the under eights. He will be sharing tips for managing colic, teething and fevers of babies and toddlers.
“As parents, we’re aware of needing to keep our kids’ health strong, especially at this time of year with the cold and back to school bugs rife in the community. In my session I’ll focus on general health boosting – measures to build up overall resilience to contracting illness using Homeopathy, Kitchen Herbs, Tonics and Tissue Salts. There are lots of simple and natural measures that can be easily introduced to help kids bounce off the bugs.”
Mark will also be talking about supporting injury healing, plus repelling and preventing the dreaded head lice using aromatherapy. The session is aimed at treating transient acute conditions, rather than the chronic, recurrent or behavioural conditions. For more recurrent conditions Mark said he would typically see clients for a full consultation and individualised Homeopathic treatment at his clinic.
Mark is hosting the event following many requests from the public and he has also been invited to give a talk on the topic in a local primary school. The introductory session will take place in the library from 12 noon to 2pm.