
More seats and toilets needed in Town Park – meeting told

CLLR Jimmy Kavanagh and Cllr Gerry McMonagle both called for improvements to the Bernard McGlinchey Town Park, citing the need for toilets, changing rooms and more seating at Tuesday’s Letterkenny/Milford MD meeting.

Cllr Kavanagh called for more seating pointing out that the issue has been raised by people working there.

“While there appears to be plenty of seating, there are a lot of people walking around the park, some elderly people and those recovering from illness,” he said.


“ Another two or three seats as you go around the circle would make a big difference.

“It is a testament to how many people use the park. I welcome the executive’s response to this and I know it would not cost a lot,” he said.

Cllr Kavanagh added that some people may want to name seats in memory of of a friend or loved one.

Seconding the motion Cllr Donal Coyle said there was plenty of scope in the park for extra seating.

Meanwhile Cllr McMonagle pointed out that there was only one toilet in the park apart from those in the cafe and the two portaloos. He said the automatic toilet had been out of action for some time and the portaloos were “degrading the park and people using it.”

“There are many events run in the park and one toilet is not going to cut it. I have been there myself. There are no changing facilities,” he said.

“Where I welcome the investment in The Vestry it is unfair to ask them to carry the load. Not having proper toilet facilities is taking away from the wonderful facility our town park is. I don’t think the costs would be prohibitive.”


He told members they should be looking at tourist grants and ways to draw down funding to build toilets.

“We put in a gym and encourage people to use it. There is everything in it you could want so we need to put in proper toilets. There also needs to be maintenance and cleaning these toilets and we need to make it as safe and accessible as possible,” he added.

Cllr Kavanagh added that the portaloos were supposed to be a temporary measure and were now there a long time and “not always in a usable condition”.

“The park is a credit to David Donnelly and his staff. The lack of proper toilets gives people a poor impression of what is a fantastic facility.”
Council Director Liam Ward told members he would take their views on board.

In a written reply the council executive said: “Reconditioning work on the old automatic toilet is near to completion, the electrical and plumbing work is complete, and a new concrete base has just been installed. Door handles and a safe locking mechanism are being sourced and will be installed before this accessible toilet can once again be open to the public.

“We propose removing the two portaloos at the Kilmacrennan road entrance once the automatic toilet is operational.

“The new coffee shop at the Vestry is providing public toilet facilities, the council funded an exterior door to allow direct access for the public in the park to the toilets. New signage is to be installed on the path and exterior of the Vestry building to direct the public to the toilets. The council will continue to explore funding options for improved facilities that would include changing facilities. This should greatly improve the growing need for public conveniences in the park for all users.”

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