Mickey Harte and Paul Brady, aka The Subztitutes, are releasing a cracking song in support of The Irish National Team.
ON Friday, May 25, yet another fantastic song in support of the Irish National Team’s trip to the European Championships will be released by two fantastic songwriters from right here in the North West.
Lifford’s Mickey Joe Harte and Strabane native Paul Brady teamed up and penned the inspiring song Bring It On, Bring It On under the alias The Subztitutes.
Mickey said: “The collaboration came about after a conversation I had with Paul about the dreaded hand ball incident with Thierry Henry at world cup qualifiers.
“We were disappointed, to say the least, and to rub salt in the wounds my good friend and fellow Liffordian, Shay Given was between the posts.”
Being loyal ‘local’ boys from the two neighbouring parish, Mickey and Paul felt they needed to put it all on record, literally, and show their support for The Boys In Green.
“I sent Paul a little snippet of an idea that I had following that chat and he liked it and then we got together at Paul’s home and banged out the rest, as they say,” said Mickey.
As a ‘sideline’ project, the songwriters gave themselves the very fitting alias The Subztitutes, although they’d consider themselves as ‘super subs’.
Mickey said: “I must say it’s not the first time I’ve been a substitute. I’ve played on the Highland Radio Soccer team, but John Breslin just doesn’t appreciate my ball skills,” he laughed.
This isn’t the first time Mickey has collaborated with such a high-profile songwriter as Paul Brady, a man he admires very much.
“I’ve written some songs with other people and it’s always nice when they get used or they like them enough to record them. I wrote a song called All The Love with Jack Tempchin from Los Angeles, who wrote some of The Eagles’ biggest hits.
“It was nice when he put the song we did together on one of his albums. It has also been recorded by the other co-writer Rob Burke. It’s a great song and hopefully it will make its way onto other album in future,” said Mickey.