THE Donegal News on Monday prides itself in catering for the interests of all our readers. A group of young ladies already established in the column iniches of the paper are Zara McDaid, Nikki Bradley and Tamahine Doorley. Let’s meet them!
Zara McDaid joined the Donegal News team with her column Art Scene in January 2014. Since then, the art teacher from Ramelton has established herself as a firm favourite with our readers and the arts community. Zara’s career has been going from strength-to-strength over the past 18 months with notable television appearances, magazine features and her blog growing in huge popularity. Zara is definitely deastined for great things! Zara can be contacted on Facebook, search ‘Zara Mc Daid Art’, www.zaramcdaid-art.blogspot.ie, e-mail is zaramcdaid@hotmail.com, Twitter @zaramcdaidart and Instragram ZARA MC DAID

Zara wearing her Peggy Mulqueen necklace.
Nikki Bradley is the founder of Fighting Fit For Ewing’s, a campaign to promote awareness of Ewing’s Sarcoma. We were first introduced to Nikki and her inspiring story in August, 2013. The Letterkenny native joined us in early 2014 and the inspiring column The Fighter was introduced to our Monday readers. As well as the many challenges she goes through personally, Nikki’s column is enlighting, fun, heart-warming and also very informative. Nikki is sponsored by All Sports in Donegal Town. Support her campaign by giving ‘Fighting Fit For Ewing’s’ a LIKE on Facebook or follow her on Twitter @nikkibradley59

Nikki reviews a hair treatment range ideal for cancer patients.
The newest member to our columnist team, Tamahine Dooley is the proprietor of Beauty by Tamahine in Letterkenny. In her column, Make Up Your Life, Tamahine brings her wealth of experience in the beauty industry to women across Donegal. An ITEC qualified beauty therapist, Tamahine has worked for many years in the beauty industry as well as in the field of fashion and photographic makeup.
So don’t forget to get your copy of the Donegal News on Mondays – it’s not just all sport, there’s something for the ladies, too!