
Major upgrade of N56 to be completed in 18 months

A CONTRACTOR is to be appointed to carry out the latest phase of upgrading to the N56 for a section of roadway connecting Dungloe to Glenties. It was announced today that work on the 3.6km of roadway from Kilkenny – Maas – Letterilly will cost €12 million and will be completed in 18 months.

Pat the Cope Gallagher TD (FF) welcomed the confirmation of the project by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII).

Deputy Gallagher said: “This is welcome news and will significantly improve the travel time and journey on this particular road and will be of huge benefit to the local communities and the region overall.”


The N56 Dungloe to Glenties project is being developed in sections and this is the third section of the road improvement scheme. It is located on the N56 between approximately 5km north of Glenties to the recently finished Boyoughter to Kilkenny scheme south of Lettermacaward. The existing road is narrow, approximately 5.5m with no shoulders or verges, and the horizontal and vertical alignments are poor over the majority of this section. There is one regional and three local road junctions, all with restricted junction visibility.

“The improvements works are extremely necessary as the N56 services the entire west and southwest of Donegal therefore it is a road of strategic importance for the entire county. The N56 is road which requires even further investment right throughout its entire route from Donegal Town right through to Letterkenny and it is critically important that Donegal County Council and the TII in place further plans for improving the N56 so that further progress can be made in improving the N56,” said Deputy Gallagher.

The planned improvement scheme from Kilkenny-Maas- Letterilly will involve widening and realignment to Type 3 Single Carriageway and also includes a cycle track for its full length.

“The project will significantly improve the level of service for road users and is critical to delivering the tourism potential of the locality. It will also enhance accessibility to West Donegal including to the Regional Airport at Carrickfinn and Gaeltacht areas.”

The contractor is expected to be onsite before the endof 2017.
